Robots 11/3/2025
i've noticed that a suspicious amount of cartoons that i like that got unfairly treated by their networks have robots in them...
robot and monster, of course, has robot, spitfire, perry, ogo and a plethora of other mechanical characters
my life as a teenage robot has jenny, vexus, vega, smytus, and another heaping pile of robot characters
invader zim has gir, the megadoomer thingy and tak's ship, just to name a few
robotomy... well... ALL the characters are killer robots
catscratch had that one episode where the cats made robots of themselves
wander over yonder had the robomegatron thingy dingy and killbot
kind of makes you think... are robots a curse?
It's been a while! University adventures 11/3/2025
sorry for neglecting this site and updating it once in a blue moon... i've been pretty busy lately
as the title suggests, i've started university and i'm LOVING IT!! i feel like an approachable person, there isn't an air of avoidance around me anymore! not to mention that i'm always doing things i love.
my new friends are some of the funniest and coolest people i've ever met and i can't wait to get closer to them! it's quite refreshing to be (irl) friends with someone who i actually have mutual interests with.
i started watching robot and monster last month and i'm OBSESSED. this is the most fun i've had watching a cartoon since, like, maybe teen titans 2003 or my first time watching invader zim... it's just so good!!
initially i went into the show thinking that it was gonna be stupid and i wouldn't get into it, but man, i was wrong. i love this show
my favourite character is monster, he's super cute, relatable, has some of the funniest moments and is super gay for robot.
today was spec! friggin! tacular!
first i went to arcade number one and FULL COMBO'D HELP ME SAITAMA (after 3 attempts). Went to arcade number two after lunch and won a giant amufun axolotl plush FIRST TRY. (my friend and i actually tried like 15 times to get it last time we were there and it never happened until NOW so i consider it a victory for both of us) im so lucky!!
lies 6/1/2025
lol nevermind i never ended up going to the arcade it was way too hot
the new year begins! & my taiko troubles 4/1/2025
so! happy new year! ummm its been a while. again
so a month ago i took my hand at trying to beat help me saitama 2000 (i'll be shortening it to "help me" in case i mention it again) and oh my GOD its so hard. even on easy mode. (yes im weak sauce i only play easy and normal on the arcade)
i tried it again about a fortnight or so later and i still havent full combo'd it yet. im heading to the arcade tomorrow, so hopefully i'll be able to full combo it once and for all >:O
ps heres my little taiko guy
WOAH!!! 25/11/2024
i finished my HSC and i got nominated for an art thingy! yay!
my birthday's in two days... its gonna be like 35 degrees, though BUT WHO CARES!!! im gonna be thrifting and partying with my bestest of friends! oh oh oh also i went to mikuexpo sydney and it was AMAZING. my fav performances were luka luka night fever, fire flower, midnight surf and of course.... magical shot cure or whatever its called! the miku miku beam one! i wish i could have gotten some merch, but the line to the merch was SO LONG. i was broke when the merch was being sold online as well +_+
i need to hit the arcade soon, like, desperately. i got my own mybachi and i havent been able to use them yet! aaaghhhh!
test 9/9/2024
ok that didnt work
Spring is springening! 30/8/2024
winter is dying and the sun has come out to play!! the other day it was a WONDERFUL 29 degrees. heavenly!!
i've been missing the warm weather heaps and i'm so so superduper happy that its back!! sure, it might not be convenient for the next time i go to the arcade (i'd probably be sweating like CRAZY in a hot arcade after playing taiko) but i get to wear less layers!
Been a while, huh?,21/8/2024
I finally finished my trials last week, I'm pretty exhausted, but at least I've got time to finish my major work for art and focus on things I enjoy again. Unfortunately, I got a pretty shitty mark in my Society and Culture exam which made me bawl for the entirety of monday night, but I've overcome it now. [lies]
I've tried getting into sewing again, too, I made a super cute keychain of my beloved water cooler, check it out!
I crafted them from felt, glue, thread, embroidery thread, yarn and lots of love. ♡ ♡ ♡
Speaking of things I love, it's about time I yap about !
Recently I doodled Carrot proposing to Big Man and I havent been able to recover from how disgustingly corny they are. Carrot going "I'm such a sexy genius" [real quote...!] only for Big Man to go "Now that we're newlyweds I'm going to kiss your face until you admit you're adorable" [also real quote!] is the best thing I ever done, god I hate [LOVE!!!!!!] them. I mainly played the proposal off the idea of Carrot choosing team future for GRAND FESTIVAL because he wants to spend the future and beyond with his beloved manta, what a sap!! this also means that my team for GRAND FESTIVAL is also team future bc I just value the future greatly, I hope for change in the world and discovering the unknown, which is often what the future holds!
This has been Modie,
I dunno how to end this
Three down, four to go, 7/8/2024
I've finished three of my trial exams! This week I did both of my english exams and my drama monologue, next week, I have maths, society and culture, drama (written) and art... I'm surprised with how well I've been doing so far!! Hopefully I'm just as good next week >:]
Stamp, 7/8/2024
FISH YAOI STAMP you can like barely read the text oops its supposed to say 'fluffy pancake' bc thats their ship name
dont mind these two im just putting them here in case i need them
A Pleasant Surprise, 6/8/2024
I did super great today! Like, super-duper great! Like, unholily awesome, no kidding!
I was expecting to go into this test forgetting all my quotes, but I blazed through it with like, 10 minutes to spare! I did the questions backwards, starting with the module c / imaginative writing task and finishing with the module a question (which is the one i DID NOT REVISE for until this morning, i did surprisingly well and choked out an essay along the lines of the one i wrote for our module a exam), it worked out super well and the second i got out of the classroom, I texted my tutor my gratitude, she's the best! She baked me the most delicious cookies last time I saw her, she's such a gem.
Anyways, since I have no exams for the next two days, I'm gonna work on my commission tomorrow and then spend the rest of tomorrow brushing up on my monologue for drama. For now, I'm gonna bingewatch Home Movies. Here's the theme song to it, totally kickass.
Burnout, 6/8/2024
Man, I can't believe that it's only been, a day (technically two, but i havent taken the test yet, its like 6 am) into trials and I'm already burnt out! I feel like I'm 100% screwed for this one, I could barely concentrate while studying yesterday and even though I woke up at 4:30 to revise, I feel like nothing's sticking in my brain.
I've also noticed a pattern in my exams for the past 3-ish years... I do really great in term one, and then again in term two, but in term 3, I burn out for whatever reason, then I PEAK at term four. Maybe it's happening again, because I was really struggling to study and concentrate in my prelims like I am now.
Trials Commence, 5/8/2024
My trials have officially started, yikes! Today was the common module for english, and to be honest, I think this is quite possibly the worst I've ever performed in an English exam. Although, my friend brought up that "last time I thought I flopped I got another A", but I think I REALLY dropped the ball with this one, I didn't finish two of my short-answer responses. Speaking of those, I think I did really crap with all of those, too, I could barely conjure up meaningful responses! I think the best I'll get for this paper is a C. Hopefully the mini-modules paper tomorrow will be more successful for me, even though that means I'm going to have to write THREE essays and a reflection. Wish me luck..!
Unproductive today, 3/8/2024
Like the title would suggest, aside from smashing it out of the park during tutoring
today, I was extremely unproductive today. I think it's because the drama showcase I had to perform [then watch...!] last night did a number on my stamina, I'm so
freakin' tired! Anyways, the second I got home, I did a teensy bit of work on a commission, then slacked, slacked, slacked! I took a nap at about 2 pm or so...
One of my highlights of today was playing Jackbox with my friends, we played Job Job and there were some pretty funny outcomes. When the room code showed up,
my partner yelled "DILFS!" because...
Like any game of Job Job, it was extra funny and my cute water cooler spousey was
super super cute!
I think you should see this picture, 3/8/2024
isnt it great
Assumptions, 2/8/2024
I'm a geek, I'd say that's pretty obvious. I love niche things, I'm fixated on the unconventional
and I'm probably autistic, according to my friends who are diagnosed. Unfortunately, due to some of my geeky interests, strangers have made assumptions about me. Don't worry, they weren't
mocking me or anything, it's just that these situations I'm gonna blab about are quite awkward. A few months ago, I was at Zing, a pop culture shop in Australia. I don't really remember
why I was there, though, I think I was looking for some Funko Pops, Splatoon or Kirby merch? Anyways, I was looking at the keychain rack, and one of the people on the counter (who was really
lovely, by the way!) asked me if I liked Hello Kitty, which was weird. I'm assuming it was because of my 30th anniversarry Kirby tote. I laughed and said 'No', because I don't really like
Sanrio. I don't hate it, I'm just uninterested in it. Anyways, I tell her that I like Kirby and I point at my bag, because I will take literally ANY opportunity to talk about Kirby..! She
aww-ed and went to show me some of the new Kirby products that were going to be arriving to the store soon, they were mostly Takara Tomy products, particularly the mocchi mocchi club plushies
and those yarn-like figures. Another similar-ish, but way more cringe situation (because it was 2021 and I was a scene kid here, yikes!) was when I was in my GIR from Invader Zim hoodie waiting for my bubble tea order to be finished. Someone who was waiting in line asked me if i liked Dream for some reason. I had no idea who Dream was, so I apologized and said 'no'. The person
added that they thought I was cosplaying as him.
...Even though the hoodie had the Invader Zim logo on it.
I wonder what someone will assume of me next..?
My Music, 2/8/2024
One thing not alot of my friends know about me is that I make music. I don't really make it
with a certain drive, I guess... Usually it starts with me finding a sample I fall in love with, then I fiddle and tweak with it until I come up with something I think sounds good,
and if I don't think it sounds good or if I don't get tunnel vision, I scrap it and never touch it again. Some of my favourite songs I've made are "You Should Play Basketball!",
"You're My Favourite Traffic Cone! (regurgitated)" and "Bring It On!". I promise, not all of my songs titles end in exclemation marks! Speaking of the titles, they don't really
have much meaning behind them, usually I just slap words together that sound like they have a deeper meaning but don't, or just sound funny. My favourite song title of all
time is probably "Birdseed Awesome", like what even!? I have no idea how I came up with it.
I should probably start talking about the actual music again. I don't post it often because admittedly, I don't really feel a need to considering I make it just for myself.
The times I do post it is when I want to make my friends who really love my music happy! It makes me happy knowing that people get excited over my music... When I really fall in
love with a sample and start, well, sampling it, I want to make it sound as kickass as possible. I try to give my music a cutesy-kickass-edgy-erotic energy... Initially I wanted
a "rawr X3 let's drink sugary soda and lose our shit" vibe... I also wanted to make breakcore music... (shudder)... Anyways, I know that my friends probably don't hear my music
the same way I do, and that's kind of cool, actually.
...i don't know how to finish this.
i love m. bubbles from the jackbox party pack 8!
oh, ps! if you wanna listen to my music, my soundcloud is modeedoo, i think. it was either that or modiesongs.